"Wheel of Fortune" Our First Installation

Joui Turandot
Founder Womb

"Wheel of Fortune" Our First Installation

Joui Turandot
Founder Womb

WOMB has been slowly re-entering the world of events and expositions, waiting patiently for the right projects to naturally manifest. One of the dreams of 2022 was to create art installations throughout the space.  I was particularly delighted when artist Micheal Pribich approached  me to

Below is the artist's description of the piece plus bio.  
Wheel Of Fortune Womb Space / CDMX

to create a piece based to be installed in the lightwell--an enclosed space in the center of WOMB that is over two stories high and had yet to be utilized. I have known Michael for several

years and through social media have admired his hanging sculptures so when this opportunity presented itself I was beyond excited to have his work inaugurate the lightwell as a gallery and performance space.

The result was better than I could have imagined. I think the pictures speak for themselves.

--Joui Turandot

Founder of WOMB

Wheel Of Fortune is a sculpture installation made with interlocking work belts suspended from overhead steel chains.  Car tires hang from the lowest loops.  Wheel of Fortune is informed by the support belts worn by workers performing physical labor, along with their work contributions that help keep society functioning.  (An example is the Essential Workers during the pandemic.)    The art work is part of an ongoing series that brings attention to an often-invisible labor force.  The belts are made from different materials including leather and paper bags.  Inlaid mirrors refer to the eternal need for labor.  The leather belts are fabricated by Victor Parra a Charro saddle-maker in Guadalajara.    Womb Space presents a unique setting that contributes to the installation idea.  The tall stucco walls compress the installation both vertically and horizontally. There is a downward weight, and a forward roll. The wheels of fortune keep moving.

Michael Pribich is a visual artist living in New York City.  His work is informed by the social conditions of labor.   His grandparents immigrated from México into the United States and worked as farm and cannery workers.  His bi-cultural roots inform his hybrid and creolized views of labor.

Wheel Of Fortune es una instalación de escultura hecha con cinturones de trabajo entrelazados suspendidos de cadenas de acero elevadas.    Llantas de automóviles cuelgan de los bucles más bajos.  Wheel Of Fortune es informado en los cinturones de apoyo que usan los trabajadores que hacen trabajo físico, junto con sus contribuciones laborales que ayudan a mantener el funcionamiento de la sociedad. (Un ejemplo son los Trabajadores Esenciales durante la pandemia) La obra de arte es parte de una serie continuo que llama la atención sobre una mano de obra a menudo invisible.   Los cinturones están hechos de diferentes materiales, incluyendo bolsas de cuero y papel.  Los espejos con incrustaciones se refieren a la eterna necesidad de trabajo.  Los cinturones de cuero son fabricados por Víctor Parra, un charro talabartero de Guadalajara.  Womb Space presenta un entorno único que contribuye a la idea de la instalación.  Las altas paredes de estuco comprimen la instalación tanto vertical como horizontalmente. Hay un peso hacia abajo y un balanceo hacia adelante.  Las ruedas de la fortuna siguen moviéndose.

Michael Pribich es una artista visual que vive en la ciudad de Nueva York.   Su obra está informada por las condiciones sociales del trabajo.  Sus abuelos emigraron de México a los Estados Unidos y trabajaron como trabajadores agrícolas y enlatadores.  Sus raíces biculturales informan sus puntos de vista híbridos y criolla del trabajo.