MURAL CREACIÓN: the unfolding

Gabrielle Roshelli

MURAL CREACIÓN: the unfolding

Gabrielle Roshelli

Creating this mural for WOMB was about expanding upon a period of exploration, experimenting with new forms of creation, and trusting the process even when uncertainty lingers.

The process of painting this mural piece started with visioning, channeling, dreaming, and imagining up an idea to incorporate into the room I was living in during my time at WOMB. Merging the walls and energy of the room with my creative spirit . . . I had never created a wall mural until I started this process, but as a longtime painter and visual artist, I was eager to experiment.

I began the process with a series of drawings, playing with color theory and testing out a variety of paint swatches to see how I could best align the colors with one another. Next, I sketched with pen and inks, and then made various textured acrylic paintings. I sat with all of these experimentations and then decided what to pick and choose from each one when creating the larger mural. I frequently had the sketches and samples surrounding me while I painted the mural — clipped to the window, propped on my desk, or laying on the floor, looking up at me while I referenced my designs for inspiration and guidance. Before starting each new layer of the mural, I began by mixing my paints in a variety of shades that I could easily blend with one another to make a new pigment if needed. I painted in layers and thin washes, being careful not to make the paint too runny but also thin enough so that you can see traces of the previous pigment layered underneath.

Over the course of two weeks, I slowly built up layers of paint and let my intuition guide the process. I would frequently step back and remove and add layers, surveying my work and how it intertwined and interacted with the space. Taking time to wrap flowing fines around the ceiling and roots grounding into the earth. I want every aspect of the things I create to feel connected and collaborative — as if all the elements in play are working together to create a new reality, a new identity, a new space of being.

Artist Gabrielle Roshelli featuring her sketches and mural. Photo by Oscar Agis