Gabrielle Roshelli


Gabrielle Roshelli

Last week, upon the dawning of a Full Moon in Taurus, and the beginning of Día de Muertos, arrived our new creative intern, visual artist, and vegan chef extraordinare; Gabrielle Roshelli.

Gabrielle is a visual artist -- a painter, potter, sculptor, creator of divine decorations for the earthly vessel (so to speak). Originally based in the Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina, where she has lived for the majority of her young-adulthood, Gabrielle was seeking a new, expansive opportunity that would allow her to participate with a new realm of community, as well as feed her creative spirit. The energy of WOMB spoke to her spiritual, emotional, energetic, earthly, and artistic visions, and is the first step towards further propelling herself into her venusian visions of traveling the world, experiencing a variety of creative communal experiences, and sharing her life's work.


From the Artist + Intern :

I came to Mexico and to WOMB to experience a new opportunity and a new life. My role here at WOMB is to contribute and also to receive -- I contribute my heart, energy, and love into the space through acts of service. I contribute my visions, brainstorms, and artistic ideas to create / expand upon what Joui has envisioned. I think of a WOMB as the nurturance of all living beings. The WOMB is our energetic and maternal home. A home is the heart of all life-force, the beating fire from which we rest, restore our energy, seek safety + comfort, and also as a holding space for manifestation, transformation, and the catalyzation of dreams into focused reality. When I give to WOMB, to life-force, I receive. I receive channeled artistic visions for the space, I receive inspiration from my environment. I receive support and nourishment from my food + cooking, the plants that live here, my dreams -- which are now all becoming intertwined into the home -- WOMB -- the space -- physically, energetically, spiritually. WOMB is a tangible representation of Mother Earth. Of the divine feminine and the nurturance we are all seeking. The archetypal elements that WOMB represents as a home and as an energy are intrinsic to the ideas that are rising to the surface of my conscious mind in this present moment.


My intentions and contributions with and to WOMB include crafting nourishing, plant based meals using as many local, fresh ingredients as possible in order to minimize our carbon footprint, as well as to provide our bodies / minds / hearts / spirits with delicious medicine from the meals we eat. I believe whole-heartedly that food is medicine, and my cooking is a deep extension of my art and creativity. Eating local organic foods was a concept deeply instilled in me while I was living in rural Appalachia. The abundance of farmers + incredible produce changed my entire relationship to food. I now see eating and cooking as a beautiful and sacred way of life, that can be woven with so much intention and love. By providing nourishing, scratch - made meals for myself and for our residents, I am helping to nurture the digestive + creative fire of WOMB.

Even simple acts like caring for the plants, closer connect me to the Earth and the divine presence that is wandering through and amongst this space.

I will also be writing + contributing to the blog and social media pages of WOMB. Writing is one of my passions and I share my musings regularly via my personal art instagram page. I am excited to sharpen my writing skills and share more about our artist collective with the followers of WOMB.

I plan to create installations, murals, and paintings to contribute to the overall artistic aesthetic and energetic blueprint of WOMB. I am thrilled to have a space to dive in with my creative energy and contribute to the larger macrocosm.

I am ecstatic + humbled to share more of my creative journey with the residents of WOMB and the collective that participates in the larger creation of this space.

Dreamscapes 1 by Gabrielle Roshelli.

Ceramics from RITUALS - an interactive + experimental art exhibition by Gabrielle Roshelli.

Photo by Sarah Devoti.

Follow @womb.mexico on instagram for more updates on our residents, creative projects, and events happening here at WOMB.

For more of Gabrielle's work, check out her website + instagram;